Last Update: 6/27; several still underconstruction



:: N.a.v.i.g.a.t.i.o.n ::


:: M.a.i.n ::


Welcome. ...please be patient 'cus more is coming soon, in the mean time take a look around the site and lethi's Thoai My's Fans Club @

Thank lethi for letting me almost all of Thoai My pics :)


- 27/06/2002 -
My first Thoai My's Page is finally created
and yay - no more school ever and summer ahead! Aww...but I still have summer school. That's suck!


Duong Thy Thy (Tressie)

11th Sept. 198x

Toronto, Canada

Single, VERY single

Ahhh, nothing is perfect.
 -Tressie xxx


Trich doan: Moi Tinh Doi Tien


w/ Quoc Kiet
For (coming soon)


AsianConnexions (Hey I am Not Sucking UP!!)

Really NICE People!

Make Up

Jackie Chan



Getting Taned, hehehe!



Video Games

REAL Friends









and YOU.


Some pics from Tong Lenh Chi Quan Chua as Tieu Thu Loan Anh

and lastly

My favourite video: Cau Sau Dau Sah Doi w/ Kim Tu Long, hehe...


A selection of quotes that I either:
*Find Funny
*Find Romantic
*Find True

"Life is like a broken pencil -- Pointless."
By Me(Tomoko Sasaki)

"What the hell do you think this is, kiddy time while we all sit around licking Barney the dinosaur's f**king pussy!?"
By The Mole, South Park The Movie

"Love is from the eye of the beholder.."
By Unkown

"Don't read a poem like a rap and don't read a rap like a poem."
By Me(Tomoko Sasaki)

"Instead Laugh"? - Meaning, don't be sad just laugh...
By Lloyd



How do i feel about the following things? Read on!


Lately, i have angry feelings, love feelings, hurt feelings.. every emotion every human has, but I think people forget about others, and should think of them first before you wanna do something. Though your own self is most important, i feel that friends are important too, and friends are worth more then most things in life.


Money doesn't always make friends, if it does, they aren't real friends. they just want your money, it's a common thing in this world, real friends are worth much more then money ever can be worth.


Another thing I have found is that people lie, lie to get their own ways, I think life would be better if you couldn't lie.. people would get chucked into jail for murder, no innocent people will be taken in. You could tell someone you love them and it would mean you MEAN it! Etc, you get the point, life would be more fair if you couldn't lie....


Ok, so maybe i haven't experienced love before, but I think i have felt it before, when this person say they love me, it made me feel so special, but when another person say it, i got a tingle feeling inside my stomache, you cannot explain the feeling, but it only came every time this certain person say they love me. This, is what i call LOVE. I don't get the feeling any longer, but give me time, and i shall gain love once again.


When i used to tell people secrets, it basically meant i trusted that person, but then that person can release your secrets to the rest of the world, thus it not being a secret anymore and not having trust anymore in the person you told the secret. I don't tell anyone my secrets anymore, it just seems to make a burden to their life, and that is wrong, i can't let people worry all day about me when they have important things to do, if you know who you are, i wan't to tel you something. I have realised what i done wrong, though i had a problem, i made it yours too, and everyone has problems, all i am doing is making more for other people too, so i am sorry, i know my mistake, so please forgive me.


Trust is needed throughout friends, just like money - if "friends" see you don't have money, they don't like you, so if they don't trust you, they aren't your friends. What i am trying to say is, if you don't have trust you shouldn't have friends, but if you do, they don't want you they just using you for their own pleasure.

More to come


Alot of people ask me questions, so here is a little FAQ I made, if there isn't a question you want to know the answer to, please ask me it, and i'll add it to the FAQ!


Q. Is that jewelry yours?
A. Haha no...

Q. Where are your
A. Please be patient, pictures of my ugly self will soon be placed on this page, at the "PICTURES" section!

Q. Are you really deaf?
A. I don't know why i get asked this question, but YES, I am deaf.

Q. Why are you so sweet and kind to me? - I have done nothing to you to make you return kindness to me..
A. Ahh, a classic question, well, I don't really know the answer, though you have done nothing to make me return the favour of being kind to you, I don't need a reaso to be nice to you.

Q. So you need a reason to hate people, but you don't need a reason to like people?
A. Yes, exactly

Q. Is it boring to write these FAQs?
A. Yes, extremely.

Q. You seem very wise and intelligent for a 16 year old, are you really 16?
A. Yes, I speak to many wise people, I guess I learn from them, unintentionally.

Q. Why wont you answer me on AIM?
A. I am busy at this time, leave a message I will get back to you.

Q. Are you tanned?
A. Yeah...(?)

Q. Skirt or trousers/pants?
A. Trousers/pants, it's mostly cold in England to wear a skirt, besides... Skirts are school uniform!!.

Q. Will you link up with me?
A. Depends on your distance, age, how nice you are... alot of reasons, you will have to ask me this in a private conversation if you want the answer.

Q. Can I have your phone number?
A. No, I don't have a phone, also my dad would kill me if I gave out our home number.

Q. I like the CHAT BOX on your page, where can I get one?
A. You can get one HERE, unfortunatly the code contains the tag IFRAME, which is disallowed on AsianconneXions, so you have to make it open in a new window.

More questions? Please NOTE me!


So, you want to know Japanese? I hope i'll be of some help then! All will be written in Romaji, the Japanese form of having Japanese words in English!




Counting in Japanese, in numbers is easy! They snap together. (Note: Notice 4 and 7 have the secondary words, you use the secondary words in different siuations, for example naming floors in a building, you would use floor YON(4))

1 - Ichi
2 - Ni
3 - San
4 - Shi(Yon)
5 - Go
6 - Roku
7 - Shichi(Nana)
8 - Hachi
9 - Ku
10 - Juu
The rest snap together, for example...
11 - Juu ichi (10 + 1 = 11)
12 - Juu ni (10 + 2 = 12)
You get the idea, let's skip ahead a little...
20 - Ni Juu (20 but you can see how it forms)
23 - Ni-Juu-san (3 words represent, 2-0, 3)
54 - Go-Juu-yon (5-0, 4)
This is the best i can explain it, if it's still unclear, just note me!
100 - Hyaku
154 - Hyaku-go-juu-yon
1000 - Sen
1154 - Sen-Hyaku-go-juu-yon





Here are 6 important words that you need to know in Japanese.

Dare (Prenounced, dah-ray): Who
Dare desu ka? Who is it?

Nan/Nani (Prenounced, nahn/nah-nee): What
Nan/Nani desu ka? What is it?

Doko (Prenounced, doh-koh): Where
Hon wa doko ni arimasu ka? Where is the book?

Itsu (Prenounced, eetsoo): When
Tanjoubi wa itsu desu ka? When is your Birthday?

Doushite (Prenounced, doh-shtay): Why
Doushite sushi ga suki desu ka? Why do you like Sushi?

Ikura (Prenounced, eekoorah): How Much
Kore wa ikura desu ka? How much is this?




Here are some colors from the Japanese language. Alot of the Japanese color's names are taken from the english names.

Red - Aka(i)
Blue - Ao(i)
Green - Midori (Also, the english word, "green" is used nowadays)
Black - Kuro(i)
White - Shiro(i) (Also known as Haku)
Yellow - Kiro(i)
Orange - Orenji
Violet - Fuji
Pink - Momo (Old word for "Peach", they use "Pink" nowadays)
Grey - Ha (Old word for "Grey", now they use "Grey")




Japanese months are easy if you can count to 12! The months are just a number (in order of the month, for example - ichi(1) is january, because it's the first month) followed by "Gatsu" (The kanji for moon is same for "Gatsu")

Ichi Gatsu - January
Ni gatsu - February
San gatsu - March
Shi gatsu - April
Go gatsu - May
Roku gatsu - June
Shichi gatsu - July
Hachi gatsu - August
Ku gatsu - September
Juu gatsu - October
Juu-Ichi gatsu - November
Juu-ni gatsu - December




Japanese days of the week are an elemental name then by the word "Youbi"

Sunday - Nichiyoubi - Sun
Monday - Getsuyoubi - Moon
Tuesday - Kayoubi - Fire
Wednesday - Suiyoubi - Water
Thursday - Mokuyoubi - Wood
Friday - Kinyoubi - Gold
Saturday - Doyoubi - Earth




Random words

[] - Square brackets = Prenounciation
Baka [Bah-kah] - Idiot/Stupid etc..
Kawaii [kah-why-ee] - Cute
Gomen (Nasai) [Go-men,nah-sye] - Sorry (Nasai for politeness)
Ohayo(u) [Oh-hi-yo] (Gozaimasu) - Morning (Gozaimasu [Go-zye-mass]For Politness)
Konnichiwa [Ko-ni-chee-wah] - Hello(Evening)
Konbanwa [Kone-ban-wah] - Hello (Near night time, i think, lol)
(O-)Genki desu [Dess] ka? - (O - Politness)How are you?
Genki desu [Dess] - I'm fine
Anata wa? [Anah-tah-wah] - And you?
Arigatou [Aree-gah-toe] (Gozaimasu) - Thankyou (Gozaimasu [Go-zye-mass] For Politness)
Sayounara! [Say-yo-nah-rah] - Goodbye!
Mata ne! [Mah-tah-nae] - See ya later!
Mata je! [Mah-tah-jae] - See you tommorow!


::Name Extensions::


Someone's name is often followed by an extension(E.g: Chan, san, etc) to show respect, one thing though; never adress yourself with an extension, 'cus it's like showing respect to yourself - and doing that is rather rude don't you think? ^_^ Sorry about the corny examples!

San - Often used for someone who is in the same posistion as yourself (Example: 2 school boys in the same class)
Chan - Often adressed to young girls, or a young-ish animal or toy even! (Example: I have a toy bear, teddy-chan)
Kun - Often adressed to young boy or lower rank person (Example: I am a manager in a store, bob-kun works for me)
Sama - Used for higher rank, or someone you respect ALOT (Example: My manager is called Steve-sama)
More to come - Sister, brother, uncle etc....


There is never an L in Japanese.
There is never a V in Japanese.
The L is almost always switched for an R.
The V is almost always switched with a B.
Any words ending in U are silent (most of the time, eg: desu prenounced dess).



What were just poems for other people or gifts from friends, it's turned into a collection of poems, so here I am to place them on my homepage for ALL to see!

"Sometimes I wonder.." By Lloyd
Sometimes I wonder..
How you smile,
How you laugh,
How you walk,
How you talk,
How you eat,
How you be so cool,
How you giggle,
How you hug,
How you make me LOVE you,
How you kiss,
How you be special,
How you make me laugh,
How you make me feel all warm inside,